Sandy Grason writes regularly on the use of journaling for personal transformation. I came across an article of hers that addresses the basic problem of clutter in the way that I advocate in Fear of Nothing, by focusing on the quality of space, but with a flair I couldn’t pretend to imitate. Sandy graciously offered to let me repeat her article here.
What’s In Your Closet?
We moved this weekend. Two adults, two fabulous little girls and one little doggie named Lily Madonna. Wow, do we have a lot of ‘stuff’! (Lily Madonna only had one box, so she’s really not the problem here).
It reminded me of a really funny bit George Carlin does about humans and their stuff. Have you seen this? He says that our houses are really just piles of our stuff with little covers on top. He makes me laugh. My friend Rick Wright teaches a program called “Clean Your Closet – Change Your Life” and his best advice to me when I’m feeling overwhelmed has always been “go clean out your closet”.
It’s amazing how much a crowded, unorganized, overstuffed space can weigh you down. And it’s equally amazing at how quickly you’ll feel your energy shift when you begin clearing out your space.
As much as I procrastinated about cleaning out and packing up our home, I felt immediately energized to watch it going out the door, on its way to our new home or to someone who will need it, use it or love it.
It also made me laugh at how ruthless we became as the minutes ticked away. Items that had been tucked away, like priceless treasures were quickly released in the heat of the moving day “Packing Palooza”.
So as I sit in my new office space, setting up my desk, computer and asking myself if this office space is worthy of a Hot Mogul, Rock Star Author and Empire Builder, I want to ask you the same questions.
Is the space you are living and working in supporting you in creating the life of your dreams? Or is it weighing you down with heavy energy from the past? Everything has an energy to it. Your thoughts have energy. Your house has its own energy. Your shoes have energy, too. (My shoes definitely say; Hot Rock Star Mogul!) :D
Today I would like you to take a moment and write about the kind of spaces that fill you up with good energy. Create a ‘dream space’ that you’d like to spend time in each day. It doesn’t matter if you live in the Midwest and you want your dream space to over look the ocean. Just write whatever is in your heart. And be as specific as possible. Write about what kind of fresh flowers you would like and the color of the floors and walls. Close your eyes and get a clear picture of you sitting in this space, and take time to ‘go there’ in your imagination.
Once you’ve created this “power space” that will fill you up with good energy, go there every day, for 5 or 10 minutes. And see if there are items that you can manifest in your waking space that will do the same thing. When you take the time to surround yourself with a creative, nurturing space (and people, for that matter), your life will reflect all of the good energy back to you.
Sandy Grason is a Rock Star Author, Int’l Speaker & Hot Mogul. Get your name on the Guest List for Sandy’s next Virtual Cocktail Party®, gain access to private videos, articles, tips, tools and strategies. Take the Hot Mogul Quiz and get Free Gifts including Free mp3 Vision Exercise now at
1 comment:
I love the photo of you in your closet and the metaphor it sets up. I have read your books and enjoy your work,
To tie both these comments together, I thought you might be interested in my book REGINA'S CLOSET: FINDING MY GRANDMOTHER'S SECRET JOURNAL....
Also, stop by and visit my new blog
Happy writing!
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